Facila-what? Lifehack Community Retreat

The word facilitation comes from the French word facile, which means to make easy. It’s all about making it easy for a group of people to talk or learn together.
But …
Report: Codesigning programmes using the Fellowship as an example

Lifehack has always existed at the intersection of different worlds: we spend our time where the mental health and wellbeing world crosses into that of technology; where the world of tech meets social entrepreneurship; where the world of design …
Lifehack Community Retreat programme feedback

Thank you for your ideas
We’d like to give a huge shout-out to everybody who filled out our survey about the Lifehack Community Retreat.
We believe co-design is a crucial part of successful programmes for youth wellbeing and mental health. …
Pre-conference workshop with Young & Well and our youth co-convenors

Six of us sat around a white table in an apartment in Downtown Montreal. Half of us under 25, this team we were forming were meeting in person for the first time only 24 hours before running a full-day workshop …
Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge – Fresh Minds & Approach

image courtesy of Mark Bradford
After a two week mid-semester break, the students from Massey’s School of Design are back to work on their Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge!
We were asked by the Massey Tutors to come in and do …
Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge – Empathy

Last week we wrote about the exciting turbulence that was created at the turning point in the design challenge, where students were able to continue with the design brief they’d been shaping up for five weeks, or change and seek …
Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge: All Change?

Week 5 was secretly the point I was most excited about at the Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge with Massey University. It was the time where the tutors were testing a hypothesis – ‘can we enhance our students’ collaborative practice by …
Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge – Refining The Brief

The pace is ramping up over at the Everyday Wellbeing paper we’re working on with Massey University’s School of Design!
We’re almost at the stage where the students’ research is being refined down in groups into a brief which …
Designing For Everyday Wellbeing – Week 3 – Storytelling & Synthesis

Week 3 took flight with the themes “Inspirational Designing”, “Brainstorming & Storytelling” & “Concept Synthesis”.
The students got the opportunity to hear about photography in design, before returning to the development of their 8 page visual research package. Tutors helped …
Improving Everyday Wellbeing – Week 2

Week 2 of the Everyday Wellbeing Design Challenge with Massey University rolled around, and it was a fascinating array of dialogue and visuals.
As Week 1 ended, the students were asked to spend their independent study hours working to make …
Improving Everyday Wellbeing – Week 1

This week we launched the initiative we’ve been working on for several months now – a design challenge with Massey University’s School of Design, focused on Everyday Wellbeing.
The design challenge fits into one semester, and is a double paper …
Everyday Wellbeing – Design Challenge Overview

How might we unleash Aotearoa New Zealand’s young design talent on Everyday Wellbeing?
Lifehack and Massey University are kicking off a Design Challenge together in July 2015, focused on Everyday Wellbeing.
See the original announcement here, and links to all …
Wellbeing Needs More Than Just Psychologists

Wellbeing is not just the domain of Psychologists
This week we kick off our Design Challenge with Massey University’s College of Creative Arts. Whilst this seemed like an exciting next step for us at Lifehack, we thought it would be …
Youth Law : A Case Study on Youth Engagement & Participatory Design

Recently we were approached by a small team who had big plans – make access to Youth Law much more simple, so that when young people interact with the legal system they are informed, get a fair go, and are …
Lifehack Māori Design Day

With Lifehack’s mahi we want to pay respect, represent, engrain different cultural values in our work. To explore what it means for our design to be “of this place” around Aotearoa New Zealand, we brought together some local minds in …
A Prototyping Mindset in Practice : Case Study on YOMO

For the best part of 2 years now, Lifehack has been experimenting with using Design processes to empower people to create new wellbeing interventions. Sometimes those Design processes are in the form of experiential weekends, sometimes they’re evening design …
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