Guest post: Eleanor Hurton @ the Codesign for Youth Wellbeing Symposium

A Sneak Peak at the 2017 Fellowship Impact Report

We’re busy compiling the 2017 Fellowship Impact Report. As silly as it might sound, we’re bursting at the seams to share some of the high level results and learnings. We’d like to give a big mihi to Angelique Praat from …
At the intersection of education, design and wellbeing: The OJC Wellbeing Collaboration

Over the past six months Lifehack has been working alongside progressive and newly established Ormiston Junior College, mental health advocacy organisation Changing Minds and Auckland Libraries to co-host action-oriented learning with young people aged eleven to fifteen (Years 7-10).
This …
The Vulnerable Children Act & Your Practice

If you work with young people, you will likely know about the Vulnerable Children Act 2014 and have a vague idea about the practicalities of this legislation.
We teamed up with Kaitaia Constable and 2017 Flourishing Fellow, Rowena Jones, …
How to create an environment for LGBTIQ youth to flourish

Helping LGBTIQ youth to flourish
Earlier this year, a few awesome humans came together to discuss a pretty important topic – ‘How do we create an environment for LGBTIQ youth wellbeing?’ LGBTIQ stands for: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or …
What we’ve learnt from running the Fellowship

Lifehack’s programme designs have been iterations from all the work we’ve done in the past. Not only do we spent time reflecting and implementing learnings into future programmes, we also take inspiration from practitioners around the globe. If you’re curious …
Tahatū Rangi: An area ripe for disruption

Hosted by Platform Trust, Tahatū Rangi bought together around one hundred people from the NGO mental health and addictions workforce at Te Papa on the 20 & 21st October. Toni and Dayna from Lifehack went along to check it out. …
Lifehack’s top three reasons for getting back to nature #mhawnz

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week at the moment. The focus this year is connecting with nature and in this post we’ll be telling you our top three reasons to get out in nature and the benefits to your wellbeing. …
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week #mhwnz

Mental Health Awareness Week is marked by 150 countries annually, and this week is Aotearoa’s turn!
During this week you’ll see a bunch of social media posts with the #mhawnz and we encourage you to get involved. You can check …
Ngā Uri Ō – Descendants of

The Journey of Ngā Uri Ō
(photos of Ngā Uri Ō at the Sovereign and Youthline workshop March 2016)
Earlier in the year Lifehack gathered in Manukau along with Sovereign and Youthline where we facilitated 1.5 days of looking at …
Designing for Wellbeing: Reflecting on unexpected insights

by Sam Rye, former co-lead at Lifehack
What would happen if we took 290 students from a third year design paper, and focused the brief on Everyday Wellbeing?
In 2015 I was part of the Lifehack crew which teamed …
Participant’s Reflection on the Fellowship so far: George Gribbin

A couple of weeks ago we hosted the first hui of this year’s Flourishing Fellowship. We spent five days at Waihōanga Centre for Well-being getting to know each other, ourselves and increasing our understanding of the opportunities and barriers when …
Introducing a sixth capital: Wellbeing

Over the past two years Lifehack has been exploring and experimenting with the concept of ‘capitals’ borrowed from Zaid Hassan over at Social Labs. Since the early days we’ve been using the concept of five capitals to assess if and …