Lifehack’s Impact story — out now

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(Illustration by Miranda Lees)

For the past few months we’ve been beavering away trying so sum up the learnings and impact from our mahi from the last couple of years. Two years ago, we started running our first experiments: the online course, Lifehack Weekends, Lifehack Labs and a range of others in 2014. 2015 saw us run our first Flourishing Fellowship and invest in designing venture support through Te Kōanga, amidst other things.

But how do we talk about the outcome and outputs of this work? How do we communicate the effects Lifehack’s initiatives have had on its participants, when so much of it is personal – and might not show up in societal changes for another thirty years? Having people say that Lifehack literally changed they course of their life is incredibly humbling — but how does that relate to our long-term vision of enabling 100% of New Zealanders flourish by 2050?

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Well it is a bit of a fine art (read: we learnt from other organisations, thought of what we’d think as best-practice and came up with our own formula). It’s by no means perfect, but a start — and a combination of stories and numbers. It’s about thinking about the contributing factors to youth wellbeing — so for exampling enabling individuals to have agency to make choices for a life that they value living — as well as the direct impacts of people committing to working on wellbeing for the long term.

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We’re excited to share the report with you all, it lives in our Resources section on the website, along with other reports, research and modules — from Value Prop Design workshop slides to our Lifehack Labs report. Please feel free to share the report far and wide — and let us know any questions or thoughts you might have.

Download the report via this link or click on the image to the left.


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