Co-design Symposium Sessions

Bus stops
Bus stop 1: Building adult capability: skills adults to do co-design with young people
Hannah Dunlop ECAN, & Sarah Finlay-Robinson Weltec
This bus stop will give you an overview of the skills you need to support meaningful and sustainable youth participation practice. Let’s geek on the science of youth participation! Check out the resource here.
Bus stop 2: Lego for prototyping and co-design
Lee Ryan, Springboard Ideas
This is a hands on session with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology which is used to explore issues and co-design potential ideas. We will use one activity from a session run in Vancouver where Strategic Play worked together with a small group called “I AM ANTI BULLY” to encourage families to talk about the important topic of bullying.
Check out Strategic Play's video here and Lee's resource here.
Bus stop 3: The ethics of co-design practice
Jane Zintl, Ara Taiohi
Ethics shape all our decisions. Even if we don't realise it. They shape decisions about about how we operate and ensure that what we do is good for the young people we work with, ourselves, and the communities and world we work in.
Jane Zintl's session will help your decision making with:
- Boundaries and self care
- Confidentiality and the Privacy Act
- UNCROC, Human Rights and Complaints procedures.
Bus stop 4: Peer-led prototyping - “Idea Testing with and by young people”
Simon Harger-Forde (Innovate Change)
In this session Simon will share a technique for engaging young people as idea testers - prototyping and testing possible ideas with other young people in ways that work for young people and enable them to be part of the design process.
Bus stop 5: Storytelling for impact and co-creation
Alex Whitcombe (Healthy Families)
A ‘Walk-thru’ is a rapid fire technique to build your storytelling and participatory design skills. It helps to display the reality of a situation or issue, and maximise the opportunity for collaboration and input on a project. This tool will help keep your project live, spark unexpected suggestions, deepen relationships with your audience and build momentum towards systemic change.
Bus stop 6: Mapping & Mobilising Youth Wellbeing
Paul McGregor (Lifehack)
A hands on introduction to Lifehack’s recently developed Mapping and Mobilising tool. It helps teams to map where they and their community sit across three areas central to youth wellbeing: 1. Co-design Capability 2. Service Integration and responsiveness 3. Community Asset Building.
If you're thinking about starting a co-design process, this is the session for you.
The tool supports organisations and cross sector groups to better understand their current state, where they would like to progress to and key steps for getting there.
Check out the overview here and a first draft of the tool itself here.
Bus stop 7: Designing for Youth Week
Shannan Wong (Ara Taiohi)
Youth Week is 9 days where we try to shift the conversation about young people from deficits to strengths.
Young people have decided that they want to celebrate Youth Week 2018 with the theme “Be who you want to be, not who you want to see.”
In this session, Shannan Wong, Youth Week impresario, will take you through some cool co-design processes for you to use with young people in your context to generate ideas about how to amplify and enact this theme.
Bus stop 8: Developing a youth participation framework for the Aotearoa context
Luke Fitzmaurice (UNICEF/Oranga Tamariki/University of Otago)
This session will start with a brief overview of the research and evidence about youth participation. Luke will talk about the youth voice frameworks used overseas, and the extent to which these are useful in Aotearoa.
We will also discuss an alternative youth participation framework designed to encourage you to think more broadly about including young people’s voices in your mahi.

Action stories
Story 1 Working with new kiwis
Rod Baxter and Bilal Nasier (Redcross)
A third of the 1000 former refugees resettling in Aotearoa each year are young people.
To respond to their unique needs, New Zealand Red Cross has created five new Resettlement Youth Worker roles and employed young former refugees to pioneer this work. Bilal Nasier is one of the five and will present with Rod Baxter about the innovations they're experimenting with.
Come to this session and you'll take away a reimagined HEADDSS-style assessment tool written by young youth workers, for young people in resettlement. (HEADDSS stands for Home, Education and employment, Eating and body image, Activities, Drugs and alcohol, Sexual health and sexuality, Suicidality and mood.)
Story 2 Co-design and care-experience in the creation of VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai
Co-designers from VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai
VOYCE - Whakarongo Mai was developed in April 2017 through a process of co-design with care-experienced children and young people in New Zealand.
This session will detail how VOYCE - Whakarongo Mai was created to become a voice from, not for, children and young people in care.
Story 3 The Story of Paired Up
Regan Burt and Liss Wheeler (Connect Support Recovery)
Earlier this year, ten passionate young people with personal understandings of mental distress came together to design a peer support service that would work for them. The result was Paired Up, an initiative that aims to help young people get connected and share guidance around wellbeing through a mixture of platforms, including online, face to face, and pop-up events.
This wee video shows a prototype of the app in action!
The story of Paired Up will be told from two perspectives. From a co-design facilitator (Regan Burt) and a member of the design team (Liss Wheeler).
Story 4 He Manawa Hou: Kāi Tahu's pursuit of rakatahi connectedness
Rangimārie Mules
Manawa Hou is a response to the growing need for iwi to engage the younger generation in innovation, self and wellbeing.
This Action Story explores Kāi Tahu's pursuit for greater connectedness, inter-generational exchange and an integrated sense of people, place and culture. Manawa Hou's development marked a shift in thinking for Kāi Tahu, challenging a search within their culture for innovation.
Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei: for us and our children after us.
Story 5 Prototyping an authentic Learner-led Community Wellbeing Collaboration
Ormiston Junior College and Lifehack
In this session we share learnings from an experiment in working differently within a school setting. Ormiston is an emerging multicultural community in Auckland.
This story is about using cross sector collaboration and learner-led co-design to build student wellbeing, support student-led wellbeing initiatives and build new connections in the community.
Story 6 Handle the Jandal - Unleashing Polynesian youth leadership to co-design and mobilise for youth wellbeing
Alex Nicholas and Rebekah Nicholas (Ko Awatea, CM Health)
Come listen to the story of how a group of South Auckland-based Polynesian youth mobilised over 1000 youth and community members in leadership action to improve youth mental health and wellbeing.
Learn the secrets behind their community organising leadership approach, impact on youth wellbeing, learnings and what they’re taking on next.
Wellbeing Action Session: Sharing what a Shift wellbeing session looks and feels like by doing it
Chloe Bryan and Katie Adams (Shift)
Keen for a more active session? Join this fun and interactive workshop that covers the Five Ways to Wellbeing through activities and games.

These were developed by Ormiston Junior College (OJC) students for their Term 2 Authentic Inquiry Project.
They were also part of the OJC Community Wellbeing Collaboration supported by Lifehack, Auckland Libraries and Changing Minds. This project integrated wellbeing concepts with a range of disciplines that the learners directed themselves such as Performing Arts-dance, Technology-multimedia, English-Presenting, Social Studies-community building, Health-Hauora.
The process of learning developed from the OJC Learning Design Model: Explore, Experiment, Evaluate, Effect and Express. Through the collaboration with Lifehack, the learners were inspired to understand themselves better and to share their understandings with their peers and community.
Performance 1: Bullying from a deaf lens
People are typically not tolerant of those who are different. As deaf learners, we would like to raise awareness of what bullying feels like, looks like, sounds like from a deaf lens.
Performance 2: Teenage Brain
Expressing our emotions through different forms of art based on the science of the teenage brain.

Clinic 1: Creating safe spaces for co-design with rangatahi/young people - A Te Ao Maori view
Facilitated by Dougal Stott and Carolyn Taueki-Stott (Moana Creative)
Brave spaces enable young people to say how they want to be seen in the world.
In this clinic we will explore how tika aroha, pono enable us to create brave spaces with rangatahi young people.
We will check in on our collective knowledge and where we need to build further understanding, capability or capacity.
Clinic 2: Young people as experts in what works: empowering young people to define and measure success
Facilitated by Simon Harger-Forde (Innovate Change)
Who decides what success looks like when it comes to evaluating youth wellbeing and positive youth development initiatives?
Evaluation conjures a mental image of a dry, external process. Something designed, conducted and audited by adult, technocratic experts.
In this clinic we will collectively explore:
- How can measuring success become a process we do with young people?
- What are some of the key barriers to this now?
- What capacities do we need to build, and where might we start?
Clinic 3: Growing the conditions for youth wellbeing, positive youth development and co-design
Facilitators: Hannah Dunlop (ECAN) & Sarah Finlay-Robinson (WelTec)
Come and explore a vision for youth wellbeing, positive youth development and co-design in Aotearoa. What do we need to get there?
Questions that guide this session:
- How are we tracking now?
- Where do we need to focus next?
- What do we need as a community of practice to make this a reality?
- What enablers and resources do we need?
Wellbeing Action Session: Story Telling for Action
Handle the Jandal, Ko Awatea, CM Health
Public narrative is a leadership practice that engages people through stories by helping them interpret when and how they can act to bring about change.
It’s not about persuasion, buy-in or slick marketing slogans. It’s about connecting with people’s values through emotion that leads to mindful action.
If you want to learn tools to be effective in communicating change that inspires people to act, then this workshop is for you.