Hacking Life in Wellington


Over the weekend we brought together a crack group of people who wanted to give their time and energy to 3 awesome youth causes.

Lifehack Wellington 2014

On Friday night we heard from our project hosts about their hopes for the weekend, where they saw their projects heading:

    • ‘Recovery Action Plan’ – Keiran shared how these RAPs were used for people who were beginning their journey with mental health services by working through a booklet to generate a strengths-based approach to improving their resilience and wellbeing. The booklets were used around the country, but were still paper-based – it is time for  a c21st digital maker over.
    • Beast – having emerged from Lifehack Labs in September, the crew are working on bringing positive psychology techniques from elite sport to high schools. The Beast team were looking for a communications & promotions upgrade, and to build some greater insights about how they would deliver the MVP version of the service.
    • Grow Aotearoa – the crew shared their vision for growing the country’s wellbeing through permablitz events where people could collectively overhaul gardens to get them into food growing oases. The main challenge they wanted to tackle was building a sustainable model behind the promotion, recruitment and engagement of people in these kinds of events.


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After a good night’s kip, our amazing crew of over 30 people reunited on Saturday morning for some deeper connection (‘who are you really?’) and a quick fire Collaboration Cafe session to get everyone up to speed on the projects. From there it was time to divide and conquer – split into smaller teams, break down the tasks and get to work.

Paying attention to people’s skills and passions, the groups self organised into teams which took on different parts of the projects and started sprinting with the vision for them. In one corner you would find someone working on the storyboard for an animation, in another you would find amazing conversations about building a ‘movement architecture’, across the room you would find someone researching global examples of wellbeing planning apps, and across from them someone would be building website architecture. Here’s how it unfolded on Twitter on #LifehackWGTN:


Wrapping Up

We were absolutely stoked to have even more people join us for the final presentations on Sunday afternoon, where our teams got to present back all their findings, learnings, physical & digital outputs, and surprise the project holders with how far they’d sprinted over the weekend.

Here’s some of the outputs:

  • Recovery Action Plan:
    • User Interface Mockups for a mobile app
    • Full Proposal for local DHB
    • User Personas
    • User Needs Analysis
  • Beast :
    • Web Information Architecture & Prototype
    • Value Proposition Canvas
    • New Short Pitch
    • Impact Roadmap
    • Animation Storyboard
  • Grow Aoteaora
    • New logo concepts
    • User Journey & Movement Architecture
    • Questionnaire


Also, a final thank you to our awesome event food & drinks partners! Check out the awesome:

House of Dumplings, Kapai, Wellington Chocolate Factory, Fix & Fogg, Leeds St Bakery, Six Barrel Soda & Parrot Dog.

Also a huge thanks to BizDojo for hosting us in your tops-as space!


Finally, in true social media culture style, here’s a Lifehack 2014 Crew Selfie to celebrate a huge year completed!

The Lifehack 2014 Crew Selfie - sadly missing Kaye-Maree & Mita! The Lifehack 2014 Crew Selfie – sadly missing Kaye-Maree & Mita!

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