Symposium contributors and facilitators
We are incredibly humbled by the speakers, facilitators and keynote listeners who are sharing their time, knowledge and skills with us all. We hope you enjoy learning alongside this diverse group of people from across the motu.

Sarah Finlay Lecturer, Bachelor of Youth Development, Weltec
Sarah Finlay-Robinson is a lecturer specializing in youth participation for WelTec’s Bachelor of Youth Development, the only dedicated youth development degree in Aotearoa. Sarah has had fifteen years working with young people, with a focus on youth voice, leadership and co-design across NGO, the care system, community and local government sectors.

Luke Fitzmaurice, UNICEF
Luke is a young Wellingtonian who is enthusiastic about empowering young people to make an impact. Luke is currently co-ordinating the implementation of U-Report, an online youth engagement tool designed to give young people a voice on a national level.

Katie Adams, Fun facilitator & logistics wrangler Shift; Wellington City Council; Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2016
Katie is an expert in physical activity and fun. She brings warmth and energy to the room to create safe, inclusive environments for young women to try new things and enjoy being young. Along with Chloe, she will be sharing the co-design story of Shift.

Simon Harger-Forde, Innovate Change
Simon has a background in social work, child and youth development, public health, and health care policy, planning and funding. He has worked in the New Zealand and UK health and social sectors and in NGOs in both New Zealand and overseas for the last 18 years.
Simon has managed a youth-led primary healthcare service, worked in policy roles in central government, and in senior roles leading the planning and funding of primary and community healthcare.
Simon is the founding director of Innovate Change.

Regan Burt – Connect Supporting Recovery
Regan is the Communications and IT Alchemist at Connect Supporting Recovery.
Despite the cryptic job title, his passion lies in making life easier for people, especially those experiencing mental health and addictions issues.
Recently, he has been involved in documenting a co-design project, involving a group of young people exploring the concept of youth peer support in Auckland, resulting in an exciting new initiative called Paired Up.

Rangimārie Mules
Rangimārie was brought up under the guardianship of Araiteuru taniwha on the shores of the Hokianga Harbour. Her early years in rural Aotearoa established a deep grounding in what it is to be an active member and contributor to NZ peoples and places - something she holds true to in her mahi as a community-centered designer.
Rangimārie’s mahi spans evaluation, community engagement, policy and outdoor pursuits to name a few. She is a founding member of the Ngā Aho Tikanga Māori co-design network and is currently working with Ākau in Kaikohe. Rangimārie will be sharing provocations, learning and experience on building youth capability and co-design alongside rangitahi.

Dougal Stott, Moana Creative; Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2016
Dougal descends from Ngati Kuta on his mother’s side, a small whanau (Rewha) who resides at a special place called Te Rawhiti situated in the Bay of Islands, NZ. Dougal has been married to Carolyn for over 17 years, and together they raise their tamariki who always keep them on their toes!
Dougal’s past work experience has mainly been within the education sector and focused on youth career and transition. Dougal has a passion for youth and community development, and has lead a range of social impact projects co-designed, and delivered in partnership with young people in the community.

Philippa Nicoll Antipas - CORE Education’
Philippa works in the education space, helping teachers to think about how to shift their practice to empower our 21st Century learners. She currently works for Core Education NZ and blogs over at E Odyssey.

Rowena Jones - Police Officer Kaitaia; Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2017
Rowena has been a Police Officer in the Far North for over 20 years. She's Chairperson of the Blue Light Youth Organisation (local branch) and a member of the National Executive for Blue Light NZ.
She's also currently the lead for several innovative initiatives as part of an overarching safety strategy that focuses on community and victim led responses to sexual violence, crime and injury prevention for safer communities together.

Tracie Shipton- VOYCE - Whakarongo Mai
Tracie has been with Dingwall Trust since 2000 and has a wealth of experience in working with children and young people in foster care as a foster parent, social worker and manager of NGO social services.
A qualified social worker and strengths based trainer, Tracie has a passion for ensuring that the voices of children in care is reflected in policy development in New Zealand as well as shaping the service that we provide.

Alexandra Nicholas, Ko Awatea
Alexandra Nicholas is a project manager, community organiser, organising trainer and coach at Ko Awatea, Centre for Health Improvement and Innovation Auckland.
As an indigenous New Zealand Maori and Cook Islander her organising work has focused on issues of social justice and equity for Polynesian youth.

Ana Samate Tangitau Fukofuka, Ko Awatea
Ana Samate Tangitau Fukofuka is one of the leaders for the "Handle the Jandal" campaign based at Middlemore Hospital. You can catch her in the Action Story on unleashing Polynesian youth leadership to co-design and mobilise for youth wellbeing.

Lee Ryan, Springboard Ideas
Lee works with experience design and insight teams on strategy and innovation. She's all about strategic roadmaps, facilitating co-creation sessions, using digital tools for journey mapping, and co-developing gamified approaches to business challenges.
If you're curious about using Lego Serious Play for strategic visioning, Lee will be leading a Bus Stop about that very topic. She will also be helping out behind the scenes on the day.

Penny Hagen, Lifehack
Penny assists organisations to apply participatory and design-led approaches to the development of policy, organisational process, strategy and services.
Penny is the brains behind the Symposium, and will be working hard behind and in front of the scenes to make sure the day runs smoothly.
You can find out more about her extensive body of work in strategic design at www.smallfire.co.nz.

Paul McGregor, Lifehack
Paul works to inspire and facilitate better wellbeing for people, organisations and communities. If you want to see his eyes light up, talk to him about social labs, storytelling or community-led development.
At the Sympoisium, he'll be sharing Lifehack's Mapping and Mobilising Tool, encouraging you to tweet all the things, and supporting the League of Live Illustrators to record the event.
You can find out more about his work at www.paulmcgregor.co.

Hannah Dunlop, ECAN
Hannah is Youth Engagement Team Leader at Environment Canterbury. Hannah specialises in building youth participation and development in community and government decision making.

Chloe Bryan, Inspiration Coordinator, Shift; Wellington City Council; Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2016
An experienced youth-worker, Chloe has a natural ability to connect with young people and build trust in wider groups. She loves mentoring young women to help them navigate life and grow in confidence. Chloe will be sharing the co-design story of Shift along with her teammate Katie.

Rod Baxter, New Zealand Red Cross Rīpeka Whero Aotearoa
Rod Baxter entered youth work as a rowdy, outspoken young person in the grungy ‘90s.
These days Rod works with New Zealand Red Cross as their National Youth Development Advisor, increasing youth participation in humanitarian leadership: disaster response/recovery, refugee resettlement and community resilience.
He’s still a bit like he was in the ‘90s, although balding rapidly.

Mike Ryan, Upper Hutt City Council
Mike trained as a Secondary Teacher and has worked in a range of health and sport organisations over the years including YMCA and New Zealand Rugby Union.
For the past three years Mike has been Director of Community Services for Upper Hutt City Council overseeing Libraries; Recreation Services; Community Development and the Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre.
Through supporting initiatives such as the Spearhead leaders programme Mike is committed to creating opportunities for young people to develop and practice their leadership skills and have a stronger voice within their community.

Alex Whitcombe - Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa, Papakura
Kia ora koutou Ko Whanganui te awa Ko Ruapehu te maunga Ko Te ati haunui-a-paparangi te iwi He kaiarahi ahau no He Oranga Whanau - Manurewa, Manukau-Papakura. Ko Alexanda Whitcombe toku ingoa.
Alex moves in the space of unpicking the tricky problems and mobilising potential answers with community and government agencies to create healthier families. How can we add more humour to social innovation to make the journey together a little lighter?

Liss Wheeler- Connect Supporting Recovery
As a young person Liss is passionate about mental and sexual health, and making the future a better place for young people. Alongside her work with Paired Up, she has also done volunteer work for Youthline and been part of the WDHB youth advisory board. Liss is studying towards a BA with a double major in drama and sociology.

Carolyn Taueki-Stott, MOKO Foundation; Moana Creative; Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2016
Carolyn has whakapapa connections to Muaūpoko in the Horowhenua and Taranaki on her father’s side. She grew up with her mother’s family in Christchurch where she completed her education at the University of Canterbury. She and husband Dougal together raise 5 tamariki.
As well as running the business with her husband Dougal, Carolyn also works as the MOKO Foundation’s Senior Coordinator for Education, Leadership and Innovation. She works on designing and delivering innovative solutions in digital technology; health and wellbeing; leadership and education to vulnerable tamariki and rangatahi.

Soul Mehlhopt, YOSS; Founder of Transcend; Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2016
Soul co-founded Transcend, a youth led initiative for gender diverse / trans gendered individuals. Soul’s work includes professional development workshops, meeting people where they are at and raising them up to a better understanding of the care for gender diverse people. Soul also works as a peer youth worker and studying to become a clinical psychologist.

Christina Leef - Māori Women's Development Inc, Kamp Kaitiaki Lifehack Flourishing Fellow 2015
Christina Leef descends from Te Rarawa, Ngāti Manawa, NgāPuhi, Kuki Airani, and grew up in Glen Innes, East Auckland.
Christina is committed to supporting, connecting and enabling rangatahi to unleash their inner entrepreneur in an ever-changing world.
She grew up largely disconnected from her Māori and Cook Island heritage. Now as an adult, she is on a journey towards cultural reconnection and exploration. She believes that being cemented in our culture and identity serves as both an anchor and compass.

Jeremy Lambert
Hoani Jeremy Lambert is the tamariki advocate at the newly formed Oranga Tamariki - The Ministry for Vulnerable Children.
He is on a mission to put children at the centre of the picture when it comes to designing services, and to ensure other government departments become as committed to consulting children as Oranga Tamariki is.

Rebekah Nicholas, Ko Awatea
Rebekah Nicholas is her full name but people call her Bex. She's of Māori and Cook Island descent. Born and raised in South Auckland, she has a passion to help Polynesian youth live abundant lives.

Terilyn Godinet Tuuau, Ko Awatea
Terilyn is of Samoan descent and currently studying a Bachelor of Law and Arts at the University of Auckland. Her favourite hobby is embracing her heritage through Pasifika dancing.
Her vision for youth wellbeing in Aotearoa is for all young people to have the same opportunities, regardless of the colour of their skin and socio-economic status.
She will be joining the rest of the Ko Awatea crew in their Action Story.

Toni Reid, Lifehack
Toni is all about being alongside people, supporting others to curate meaning in their lives through breaking down obstacles and dreaming big.
As a trained Occupational Therapist, Toni has worked in front line mental health services since 2008 and joined Lifehack in 2015. Toni provides input and expertise in both a clinical and leadership capacity.
Amongst other things, Toni will be sharing an Action Story about the Ormiston Junior College Wellbeing Design Challenge.

Anya Satyanand, Ara Taiohi
Anya is the Executive Officer of Ara Taiohi where she works to connect the sector, raise the standards, champion youth development and promote sustainability.
At the Symposium, Anya will be introducing the kaupapa of the day and supporting everybody to participate.

Shannan Wong, Ara Taiohi
Shannan works for Ara Taiohi and finds herself constantly inspired and connected to positive youth development.
With over a decade of experience as a Youthline Wellington volunteer, she brings laughter, social media and energy.
She's looking forward to leading a Bus Stop to explore how Ara Taiohi co-designed Youth Week.

Charlotte Hayes, Lifehack
Charlotte has found many 'aha' moments in various corners of the globe. She's worked on Hollywood feature films in Europe and rap videos in Rwanda, produced advertising in London and taught piano from a builders van in Sydney. Most recently she's returned to her roots of jandals, feijoas and hobbits to coordinate a string of successful programmes within Wellington's burgeoning Social Enterprise scene.
Lifehack was lucky enough to secure Charlotte's organisational skills for the Symposium. If you have any questions on the day, Charlotte is your go-to person.
And introducing the League of Live Illustrators
We are lucky to have three of the LOLI team joining us for the day. They'll be setting up shop in the foyer to create a massive visual record of the day.
They're going to need your help! Our team of keynote recorders will be supporting the LOLI team to capture key insights from the sessions. But they can't be at every session. If you tag #codesign4youth on Twitter, the LOLI crew might be able to incorporate your words into their image.
Keen to learn more about the League's work? Check out the League of Live Illustrators' website!