Putting frameworks from te ao Māori into action: wellbeing and prototyping

Over the years, Lifehack has used two main wellbeing evidence bases: The Five Ways to Wellbeing, an abbreviated version developed by the New Economics Foundation which was based upon the work of positive psychology professor Dr Martin Seligman. The second, …
How can you live and work bi-culturally in Aotearoa New Zealand?

Lifehack Flourishing Fellow, hustler and Glen Innes #GITilliDie mana wahine Christina Leef recently hosted a kōrero around living and working biculturally. A kōrero interspersed with lyrical junctures, the uncovering of assumptions and some brave patai (questions) that sparked some important …
Reflections on Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop

Reflections on Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop
The following is a post by Christina Curley, a 2015 Flourishing Fellow on her reflections of attending Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop.
What does it mean to be a bicultural and purpose driven …
Ngā Uri Ō at Design for Social Innovation Symposium 2016

On the 13th of July Lifehack delivered three 10-minute mini workshops at the Design for Social Innovation Symposium hosted at Massey University to share a tool we’re developing called Ngā Uri Ō. It’s a prototype concept to capture the importance …
Ngā Uri Ō – Descendants of

The Journey of Ngā Uri Ō
(photos of Ngā Uri Ō at the Sovereign and Youthline workshop March 2016)
Earlier in the year Lifehack gathered in Manukau along with Sovereign and Youthline where we facilitated 1.5 days of looking at …
Rediscovering roots: Christina Leef on weaving our stories

He uri tēnei ō Te Rarawa
Ko Panguru tōku māunga
Ko Hokianga tōku moana
Ko Waihou tōku awa
Ko Nuku Tawhiti tōku waka
Ko Waipuna tōku marae
He uri anō tenei o kuki Airani
Nō te moutere ō Aitutaki. …
Toi Tangata Hui-A-Tau 2016 — My learnings about Māori practice and etiquette

Ko Ruapehu tōku maunga
Ko Wanganui tōku awa
Ko Aotea tōku waka
Ko Ranana tōku marae
No Wanganui ahau, engari i pakeke au i Te Whanaganui-ā-tara
Ko Dayna ahau.
Earlier this year I attended Toi Tangata Hui-ā-Tau, a three-day hui …