Lifehack Weekends Report 2014

In 2014, Lifehack pioneered a new collaborative weekend event format around the country which sought to put more energy behind the youth wellbeing projects which were already showing signs of promise, but often didn’t have access to creative energy or tools & methods to move their ideas forward alone.
We sought them out, and worked with champions in their communities to find the bright minds who wanted to lend a hand for a weekend of collaborative action.
We went to Canterbury, West Coast, Southland, Northland and Wellington, to extend Lifehack’s work beyond the city centres which often get a lot of these kinds of initiatives. We wanted to prove that the best ideas don’t necessarily live in the cities, and that regional Aotearoa New Zealand has many of the skills and abilities right there in our communities, to solve our own problems.
This is a short report about what we found along the way, the outcomes from the weekends, and some plans for the future.