Silvia’s Lifehack Journey So Far
Lifehack has been a great discovery journey for me so far and my trip to Christchurch and meeting Lifehackers in Wellington has been a highlight!
In Christchurch I met up with teams – but was also able to connect with some great organisations who are keen to get more involved in phase two. I continue to be amazed and excited by the passion people have for Lifehack and the possibility that it stands for.
In Wellington we had a great community coffee – with representatives from Enspiral, the Lifehack Governance group, and MSD, as well as members from the team The Clearing. It is so good to put faces to names and see where the collaboration opportunities lie!

I have now been head down organising Social Enterprise Conference – which we are excited to have invited all the top team members to!
We had been doing quite a lot of work behind the scenes as well – preparing the next phase of Lifehack, establishing the Enspiral partnership with MSD, and creating the roles of the people who will carry Lifehack into its next phase.
For me it has been wonderful to get to know this Lifehack community better. I come from a background of working with brilliant youth communities and organisations, but most of my youth work has been overseas – so it feels great to now be of service to the young people of New Zealand!