Co-design for Youth Wellbeing Symposium

Kickstarting a community of practice for youth participation and co-design
The Co-design for Youth Wellbeing Symposium brought together over 150 people from around Aoteroa New Zealand to share knowledge and opportunities for co-designing alongside young people.
The air was buzzing from the moment Josh, Ben and the students from Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu (Wellington High School) put out their wero (challenge):
"Today is not about remembering lessons from past, but looking forward to the future where we can build our relationships."
"The true sign of success will be how you take these learnings back into your communities, your rangatahi and your whānau."
If you want to build on the energy and inspiration of the Symposium, then keep your ears on alert for news about Ara Taiohi's 2018's INVOLVE Conference.
Brought to you by Lifehack and Ara Taiohi

With support from Massey University, the Shuttleworth Foundation and Wellington City Council

We were privileged to have over 20 amazing presenters, workshop hosts and speakers at the Symposium. If you want to follow-up on something you heard, we've uploaded their resources here!
Click here to download the PDF of the programme or scroll down for more details.
8.30-9.15 Registration and coffee
Opening & Mihi: Connecting to people, place and purpose
Led by students from Wellington High School, Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu
Today’s collaboration: Anya Satyanand (Ara Taiohi) and Penny Hagen (Lifehack)
Imperatives, opportunities and challenges for codesign for youth wellbeing: Three brief provocations, perspectives & directions
Māori co-design: innovation mai rānō? Rangimārie Mules
Challenges for youth engagement and co-design: beyond just paying lip service to young people’s voices Luke Fitzmaurice (UNICEF/Oranga Tamariki/University of Otago)
The role of the wider environment to support co-design: where are we now and what’s next? Hannah Dunlop (ECAN) & Sarah Finlay-Robinson (WelTec)
Performance One: Bullying from a deaf lens
Performance Two: Teenage Brain
Performance & kōrero from Ormiston Junior College Students. Click here to learn more.
10.45 -11.15 Morning Tea
11.15 - 12.15
Actions stories: Co-design for youth wellbeing in Aotearoa
Stories of co-design in action from around Aotearoa, outcomes, learnings and next steps. Sessions are 25 minutes long and will be repeated twice. You get to attend two different Action Stories in this time. You can find out more about each session here.
Story 1 Working with new kiwis Rod Baxter (Redcross)
Story 2 Co-design and care-experience in the creation of VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai Co-designers from VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai
Story 3 The Story of Paired Up Regan Burt & Liss Wheeler (Connect Support Recovery)
Story 4 He Manawa Hou: Kāi Tahu's pursuit of rakatahi connectedness Rangimārie Mules
Story 5 Prototyping a Learner-led Community Wellbeing Collaboration Ormiston Junior College & Lifehack
Story 6 Handle the Jandal - Unleashing Polynesian youth leadership to co-design and mobilise for youth wellbeing Alex Nicholas, Rebekah Nicholas, Ko Awatea, CM Health
Wellbeing Action Session Sharing what a Shift wellbeing session looks and feels like by doing it Chloe Bryan, Katie Adams (Shift)
This session is not repeated. It runs once only over the whole session time.
Action stories Debrief
5 minute reflection & thought capturing
Outcomes and aspirations from Oro : building youth wellbeing in Upper Hutt (Oro was Lifehack’s place-based programme in Upper Hutt)
Mike Ryan (Upper Hutt City Council)
12.45-1.30 Kai & Kōrero
Bus Stops: Practical methods, tools and skills to support co-design and participation
Bus stops are skills or methods based mini workshops. They are 15 minutes each and repeated three times so you can attend three different bus stops. Check out the session descriptions here so you can figure out which three to attend.
Bus stop 1 Building adult capability: skills adults need to do co-design with young people Hannah Dunlop (ECAN) & Sarah Finlay-Robinson (WELTEC)
Bus stop 2 Lego for prototyping and co-design Lee Ryan (Springboard Ideas)
Bus stop 3 The ethics of co-design practice Jane Zintl (Ara Taiohi)
Bus stop 4 Peer-led prototyping - “Idea Testing with and by young people” Simon Harger-Forde (Innovate Change)
Bus stop 5 Storytelling for impact and co-creation Alex Whitcombe (Healthy Families, Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura)
Bus stop 6 The Mapping & Mobilising Tool: Mapping out the conditions and actions for youth wellbeing Paul McGregor (Lifehack)
Bus stop 7 Designing for Youth Week Shannan Wong (Ara Taiohi)
Bus stop 8 Developing a youth participation framework for the Aotearoa context Luke Fitzmaurice (UNICEF/Oranga Tamariki/University of Otago)
An evolving systems view on co-design Co-design within Oranga Tamariki: systems change, communities and the road ahead
Jeremy Lambert (Oranga Tamariki)
3.00-3.30 Afternoon tea
Clinics: What is needed to increase our capability and capacity for co-design for youth wellbeing in different settings?
Groups work collectively on a challenge and share back key findings, provocations and questions to the whole group (and twitter). You can read more about the clinics here.
Clinic 1 Creating safe spaces for co-design with rangatahi/
young people - A Te Ao Māori view
Facilitators: Dougal Stott & Carolyn Taueki Stott (Moana Creative)
Soul Melhopt, YOSS & Transcend
Phil Dinham, Oranga Tamariki
Clinic 2 Evaluating outcomes and impact, how do we measure success in participatory ways?
Facilitator: Simon Harger-Forde (Innovate Change)
Kelsey Deane, Auckland University
Geoff Stone, Ripple Collective
Tony Paine, Philanthropy New Zealand
Clinic 3 Growing the conditions for youth wellbeing, positive youth development and co-design.
Facilitators: Hannah Dunlop (ECAN) & Sarah Finlay-Robinson (WelTec)
Rowena Jones, NZ Police
Philippa Nicoll Antipas, Core Education
Adithi Pandit, Deloittes
Wellbeing Action Session Story Telling for Action
Alexandra Nicholas
Rebekah Nicholas
Ana Samate Tangitau Fukofuka
Terilyn Godinet Tuuau
Handle the Jandal, Ko Awatea, CM Health
Drawing the threads together and returning to the day's challenge: Sharing back our collective key messages
Keynote listeners: share back
Looking back, looking forward: Dougal Stott and Carolyn Taueki-Stott
Thank you and farewell
5.30 onwards
Music, kai and wind-down
End the day in style with some snacks, a drink, some tunes and more great kōrero
Thank you to everybody who helped make it happen
To all the contributors
We were incredibly grateful for all the time, effort and energy from the 30 contributors on the day. Click here to learn more about the lineup of superstar contributors.
Special thanks to the Symposium sponsors
The Shuttleworth Foundation, Massey University and Wellington City Council played a big part in making the Symposium happen. Thank you for supporting this important kaupapa.