Hacking From the Inside Out

The last few months have been crazy! LIFEHACK has taken shape faster than any project I’ve ever been involved in.

The roadmap of my life over the last few months has looked something like this: funding-idea-branding-signoff-planning-hire-do-do-do-hire-do-do-do-hire-hire-launch-do-even more…. all in just over three months!

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And we’re really just at the beginning… 

Moving at this speed can be a bit scary, and at times I wonder what I’ve got myself into; but 99.9% of the time, it’s an awesome thing to be part of. Over the last three months, I’ve met some amazing people, heard both the most gut-wrenching and heart warming stories, and I’m genuinely excited to see who gets involved with LIFEHACK, and what solutions are dreamed up and developed to help young kiwis deal with mental health challenges.

The most exciting bit is that I have no idea what is going to come out of this project!

Where next?
With just under four weeks to go before our first event in Auckland, everyone is feeling the pressure with event planning. We’re trying to ensure the weekends have the right balance of information, so that all of our LIFEHACKERS feel well-armed, but not overwhelmed. 

Our team around the country are out and about hitting up uni’s polytechnics, design/dev groups and innovation centres to doin’ presentations about LIFEHACK and how to get involved. (This is a good time to ask questions about the project, so drop us a line if you’d like us to come to your place to chat to a group about what’s going on).

Stay in the know…
The best place to stay updated on LIFEHACK is right here, on our blog – which is becoming our default go-to-guy for regular updates.

Each day of the week we’ll be sharing an update from our RC’s (Regional Coordinators) – so you can see what they’re working on, hear about the tricky stuff, meet the mentors they’ve got lined up, and find out where they’ll be throughout the week.

In between times, you can find us on Facebook or Twitter.  

Show me the love!
I’m always happy to chat about what we’re doing, so flick me an email <hello@lifehackhq.co> with your thoughts, or if you’re keen to help out our Regional Coordinators (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin) … we’re always looking for good volunteers! 

Jason (Chief Hustler)

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